Berwick St Andrews Wallace Green walking group has nominated Berwick lifeboats as the main recipient of its surplus funds this year.
A cheque for £350 was presented by the group’s leader Grace Tait to Lifeboat Operations Manager Kevin Knox (both pictured) at the lifeboat station on Wednesday (5 March).
“It’s through donations such as this that we are able to carry on saving lives at sea, and also train our volunteer crew”, said Mr Knox.
The walking group has been in existence for over twenty years and meets weekly for a moderate-paced walk of an hour or so in the local area, which is always followed by tea and cakes.
“We are a friendly group of just over a dozen members and welcome people whether they are members of the church or not”, said Mrs Tait.
“We each contribute a pound a week, and at the end of the year decide how to use surplus funds. This year we were pleased to be able to support Berwick RNLI, which is so important to locals and visitors alike”.
Anyone who would like to join the group should meet at the church on the Parade in Berwick at 2pm on a Thursday. From April the group walks in the evening, and people should arrive at 6pm for a prompt start.